Designed board game for senior gamers, aimed at rekindling cherished memories and fostering connections through shared historical experiences. The game combines history's significant events—from World War I to the Space Race—with personal anecdotes, enabling seniors and their families to bond, reminisce, and learn together in a visually appealing, easy-to-read, and engaging format.
The final design of the board game is technically divided into five layers. It includes detailed instructions for the laser machine to produce a board with two layers. The map is engraved in the middle of one of these layers.
The primary users are senior gamers who have a deep well of nostalgic memories. Many seniors yearn for opportunities to share these memories with others, especially their families. Lost Memory creates a space where seniors can recount their experiences and connect with younger generations, fostering a mutual appreciation and understanding of history.
VISUAL LANGUAGEThe game employs a visual language that is both aesthetically pleasing and functional for seniors. Utilizing typefaces like Playfair SC and Roboto Condensed, the design ensures readability and aligns with the vintage theme of the game. A neutral color palette is chosen to cater to senior preferences, creating a comfortable and inviting atmosphere.INTERACTIONLost Memory emphasizes bonding, brain exercise, and social interaction. The game encourages sharing and chatting, making it an ideal tool for mental stimulation and social engagement. It supports cognitive functions while fostering a sense of community and connection among players.MEDIUMThe game is presented as an analogue, physical board game. This choice of medium provides a tactile and immersive experience, enhancing the enjoyment and engagement of the players. The physicality of the game pieces and board adds to the nostalgic feel, making it a cherished activity for seniors.
The game features a rich tapestry of historical milestones, including World War I, the Interwar period, World War II, the Cold War Era, and the Space Race. These historical themes are interwoven with "personal" memories, allowing players to reflect on and share their unique experiences and stories from these eras.
For the creators, Lost Memory is an opportunity to delve into European historical knowledge and promote historical awareness among younger generations. For the senior user group, the game aims to evoke memories and create a space for sharing and mutual understanding. By combining educational elements with personal storytelling, the game fosters an enriching and enjoyable experience for all participants.
Lost Memory bridges the gap between generations, offering a meaningful and interactive way to explore history and personal memories. It is more than just a game; it is a journey through time that connects the past with the present, creating lasting memories for the future.